MarbellaCopter - Helipuerto Marbella - Málaga


Additional information:

  • You will receive an invoice by e-mail with your order number.
  • Reservation is to be made 24h in advance.
  • Please provide approx. weight* of each passenger to ensure a safe flight.

Sale conditions

  • Single seats unavailable. Purchase is to be made for entire helicopter seats availability.
  • For the serviceability and safety of the passengers, the weight of each passenger must do not exceed 95 kg./210 pounds.
  • In the opposite case, to consult possibilities and/or supplements.
  • Pay on line by credit card or bank transfer.
  • Bank checks are not acceptable.
  • American Express payment with additional 5 % fee.
  • Visa payment with additional 2% fee.
  • For cash payment or by bank transfer no additional fee applied.
  • Regulatory requirements.
  • To realize the reservation of the helicopters, previous availability assertion in the date chosen at the moment of the assertion, there will subscribe by means of bank transfer 100 % of the entire budget with at least 3-5 days of advance (it depends on the case).
  • HELIPORT FEES are included.


  • Due to the nature of the tour, we cannot admit wheelchair passengers.
  • We advise all passengers to wear comfortable footwear.
  • We remind that maximum capacity of helicopter is from 1 to 6 passengers as in addition to the pilot, depending on the model.

Things you need to know

  • Reservations are mandatory for all tours.
    Call + (34) 686 10 72 54 or visit us on the web at
  • Inclement weather and the next flyable weather day.
  • Extreme heat, cold or windy days.
  • Children under 2 years of age and under 15 kg. fly for free when sitting on an adult’s lap.
  • Seating in helicopters is based on weight and balance.
  • Always check flight status.

Security Requirements

All Marbellacopters guests must observe the following security requirements:

  • Must bring a valid photo ID.
  • Must check in all handbags and carry on with security.

Cancelation Policy

To apply for your cancellation, you may:

Email us at
Submit your written request by fax to (+34) 952-580-257
Mail your request to: Helipuerto de Marbella (Servicio al cliente: Cancelación) Urb. Los Manchones Altos s/n, 29600 Marbella (Málaga), España.

In case of annulment of the flight (excepted weather conditions) all cancellations will be calculated based on number of days left to the flight date at the following rates:

  • From 15 to 7 days before the flight date 30 %
  • From 7 to 2 days before the flight date 50 %
  • Less than 48h before the flight date 75 %
  • On the same day 100 %

Please allow up to 30 days for processing

All cancellation requests must be submitted before the flight date

All cancellations are subject to the discretion and approval of Marbellacopters and we reserve the right to change our policy at any time:

  1. Marbellacopters reserves the right to carry changes out in the aspects that compose the flight plan whenever its pilots think that one incurs some danger, as a consequence of adverse climatological conditions, safety reasons or problems of availability of the airships reason of the obligatory reviews or fortuitous breakdowns.
  2. Marbellacopters declares that it has compound all the insurances that the current Law of Air Navigation indicates.
  3. Marbellacopters will always remain exonerated from any responsibility or damage before third persons when the possible accidents are caused as a result of a negligent performance on part the contracting party.
  4. If there was need to come to the Courts of Justice, for nonperformance of the obligations of the contracting party, will be of exclusive account and charge of the same one all the expenses and coasts of the procedure as well as its incidences and derivations, even the payment of the rights and fees of the professionals that the company Marbellacopters was using.